My words on the Photography ban

I wasn't going to say anything about the photography ban in the New York City subway, but as a railfan and a photographer I felt obligated to say something. For those who aren't aware, the MTA has proposed a photo ban in the subway for "safety reasons" regarding the recent terrorism incidents in Madrid, as well as 9/11. I don't mind the added security, but there is a line that has to be drawn somewhere. I won't comment on my beliefs, but I will say that this sounds like an agency that is over exaggerating this terrorism thing. Especially since the Library of congress has blueprints of the New York City Subway (the Entire New York City Subway), I don't mind the added security, but when an agency decides to infringe on the rights of Americans, then there is a major problem. My deepest concerns are, what if the ban pulls through, then how will this be enforced? Will violators be denied due process of the law? Already agencies like New Jersey Transit are denying those who take photography of trains Off New Jersey Transit Property due process, and not giving probable cause to the questioning/interrogation. Is this how a government funded agency supposed to treat its people? Will this be the way that the New York City subway treat its passengers? I urge all railfans in the New York City area to put aside their differences and band together to fight this travesty that is about to take place in our home system, and protest (peacefully of course) this. I also urge railfans in this area to protest the travesty that New Jersey Transit is doing to people who take pictures off NJT property. What NJT is doing IS unconstitutional, and should be stopped before someone gets hurt.

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